Daemon rucio-atropos

The Atropos Daemon is responsible for the deletion of rules with expired eol_at (end the life at), according to the Lifetime Model. Once the rule is deleted, the replicas covered by the rule will not be protected anymore and eventually, will be deleted by another daemon.

usage: rucio-atropos [-h] [--run-once] [--dry-run] [--threads THREADS] [--bulk BULK] [--grace-period GRACE_PERIOD] [--date-check DATE_CHECK]
                     [--unlock-rules] [--spread-period SPREAD_PERIOD] [--purge-replicas]

Named Arguments


Runs one loop iteration

Default: False


Dry run mode

Default: False


Concurrency control: number of threads

Default: 1


Bulk control: number of requests per cycle

Default: 1000


Grace period for the rules. In seconds !!!

Default: 86400


Date when the lifetime model will be applied. Cannot be used for a date in the future if dry-run is not enabled


Automatically unlock affected rules

Default: False


Set the rules to randomly expire over a period (in seconds). Uses a uniform distribution

Default: 0


Set the replicas to be deleted instead of secondarised

Default: False