Daemon rucio-abacus-account

The Abacus-Account daemon is responsible for updating account usages. It checks if there are new entries in the UpdatedAccountCounter table and updates the account counters in the AccountCounter table by adding or substrating the amount and size of files and recalculating the quotas.

usage: rucio-abacus-account [-h] [--run-once] [--threads THREADS] [--enable-history]

Named Arguments


One iteration only

Default: False


Concurrency control: total number of threads on this process

Default: 1


Record account usage into history table every hour.

Default: False

Upload a file:

$ rucio upload --rse MOCK --scope mock filename.txt

Check account usage:

$ rucio list-account-usage username
| RSE   | USAGE   | LIMIT   | QUOTA LEFT   |

Run the daemon:

$ rucio-abacus-account --run-once

Check account usage again:

$ rucio list-account-usage username
| RSE   | USAGE      | LIMIT   | QUOTA LEFT   |
| MOCK  | 211.724 kB | 0.000 B | 0.000 B      |