--------------- RSE Expressions --------------- An **RSE Expression** allows to select a set of RSEs, for example to create replication rules. The RSE Expression consists of one or more **terms**. A term can be a single RSE name or a condition over the RSE attributes. The RSE Expression Parser resolves each term to a set of RSEs. Terms can be connected by **operators** to form more complex expressions. For example, users can write RSE expressions to address all Tier 2 RSEs, all the RSEs in certain cloud, all Tier 2 RSEs not in certain clouds, etc. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Simple RSE Expressions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Rucio allows to test RSE Expressions, using the command **list-rses**. The most simple RSE Expression is the one containing the name of a particular RSE. 1) The following expression returns all RSEs:: jbogadog@lxplus0058:~$ rucio list-rses --expression '*' IFIC-LCG2_LOCALGROUPDISK IFAE_PRODDISK PIC_SCRATCHDISK EELA-UNLP_SCRATCHDISK CERN-PROD_TZDISK BNL-OSG2_MCTAPE BNL-OSG2_DATADISK IN2P3-CC_MCTAPE CERN-PROD_DERIVED CERN-PROD_DATADISK EELA-UNLP_DATADISK UAM-LCG2_SCRATCHDISK IFIC-LCG2_DATADISK LIP-COIMBRA_LOCALGROUPDISK ... 2) Whereas the next expression only returns a set containing a single RSE:: jbogadog@lxplus0058:~$ rucio list-rses --expression EELA-UNLP_SCRATCHDISK EELA-UNLP_SCRATCHDISK 3) Another simple RSE Expression allows to list the set of all the RSEs in a particular site:: jbogadog@lxplus0058:~$ rucio list-rses --expression site=EELA-UNLP EELA-UNLP_PRODDISK EELA-UNLP_DATADISK EELA-UNLP_SCRATCHDISK 4) Or all the RSEs who's type is SCRATCHDISK:: jbogadog@lxplus0058:~$ rucio list-rses --expression type=SCRATCHDISK UNI-SIEGEN-HEP_SCRATCHDISK NCG-INGRID-PT_SCRATCHDISK EELA-UNLP_SCRATCHDISK ... INFN-T1_SCRATCHDISK FMPHI-UNIBA_SCRATCHDISK INFN-FRASCATI_SCRATCHDISK 5) Or all the Spanish sites:: jbogadog@lxplus0058:~$ rucio list-rses --expression SPAINSITES IFIC-LCG2_LOCALGROUPDISK IFAE_PRODDISK PIC_SCRATCHDISK EELA-UNLP_SCRATCHDISK ... EELA-UNLP_DATADISK UAM-LCG2_SCRATCHDISK IFIC-LCG2_DATADISK LIP-COIMBRA_LOCALGROUPDISK 6) Also numerical comparisons with < and > are possible:: jbogadog@lxplus0058:~$ rucio list-rses --expression "freespace>3000" CERN-PROD_TZDISK BNL-OSG2_MCTAPE BNL-OSG2_DATADISK IN2P3-CC_MCTAPE CERN-PROD_DERIVED CERN-PROD_DATADISK Note that if the RSE Expression returns an empty set, Rucio returns an error as an RSE Expression must resolve to at least one RSE. Thus, an error does not necessarily mean that the syntax of the expression is wrong, it might just result into an empty list. In 3) and 4), the RSE Expression refers to an attribute in the RSE that must be equal to a given value to match the expression. While in 2) and 5), the expression matches an RSE if the attribute is True. In 6) a numerical term is used to resolve all RSEs with more than 3000 TB free space. It is possible to see the list of attributes for a particular RSE with Rucio:: jbogadog@lxplus0100:~$ rucio list-rse-attributes EELA-UNLP_SCRATCHDISK ftstesting: https://fts3-pilot.cern.ch:8446 ALL: True ESTIER2S: True physgroup: None spacetoken: ATLASSCRATCHDISK fts: https://fts3.cern.ch:8446,https://lcgfts3.gridpp.rl.ac.uk:8446,https://fts.usatlas.bnl.gov:8446 site: EELA-UNLP EELA-UNLP_SCRATCHDISK: True datapolicyt0disk: False cloud: ES SPAINSITES: True datapolicyt0taskoutput: False fts_testing: https://fts3-pilot.cern.ch:8446 tier: 3 datapolicyt0tape: False type: SCRATCHDISK istape: False Most of the RSEs share the same set of attributes, and is possible to create RSE Expressions based on all of them. ^^^^^^^^^ Operators ^^^^^^^^^ Operators are used to connect terms in order to get more complex RSE Expressions/terms. The syntactic functionality of the Rucio RSE Expressions Parser allows the basic operations defined in mathematical set theory, Union, Intersection and Complement. Using an operator on two sets of RSEs will construct a new set based on the given sets. The symbols **A** and **B** in this table stand for a term. ======== ========== ============== ========================================== Operator Meaning Interpretation Example ======== ========== ============== ========================================== A|B UNION A union B EELA-UNLP_SCRATCHDISK | EELA-UNLP_PRODDISK A&B INTERSECT A intersect B tier=1&country=us A\\B COMPLEMENT A complement B cloud=ES\\type=SCRATCHDISK ======== ========== ============== ========================================== ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Composing RSE Expressions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Using the operators described above, it's possible to create expressions to select whatever RSE you need to put your data in. Use the following list of examples to build your own RSE Expressions. All Tier 2 sites in DE cloud:: jbogadog@lxplus0100:~$ rucio list-rses --expression 'tier=2&cloud=DE' PRAGUELCG2_PPSLOCALGROUPDISK FMPHI-UNIBA_LOCALGROUPDISK ... UNI-FREIBURG_DATADISK DESY-HH_PRODDISK Note the use of the single quotes. Single quotes are needed to avoid the shell interpret the **&**, the **|** or the **\\** as commands. All tier 1 but not the ones in country=us:: jbogadog@lxplus0100:~$ rucio list-rses --expression 'tier=1\country=us' INFN-T1_MCTAPE BNL-OSG2_DATATAPE ... BNL-OSG2_DDMTEST NIKHEF-ELPROD_PHYS-SUSY However, take care of the subtle differences. While the first expression exclude United States' sites, the second doesn't:: jbogadog@lxplus0100:~$ rucio list-rses --expression 'tier=1\country=us'|wc -l 115 jbogadog@lxplus0100:~$ rucio list-rses --expression 'tier=1\country=US'|wc -l 117 The filters are processed from left to right. Is possible to use parenthesis to force the order of operation. See the following example to get all the SCRATCHDISKs in IT or FR clouds:: jbogadog@lxplus0100:~$ rucio list-rses --expression 'cloud=IT|cloud=FR&type=SCRATCHDISK'|wc -l 30 jbogadog@lxplus0100:~$ rucio list-rses --expression '(cloud=IT|cloud=FR)&type=SCRATCHDISK'|wc -l 30 jbogadog@lxplus0100:~$ rucio list-rses --expression 'type=SCRATCHDISK&(cloud=IT|cloud=FR)'|wc -l 30 jbogadog@lxplus0100:~$ rucio list-rses --expression 'type=SCRATCHDISK&cloud=IT|cloud=FR'|wc -l 92 While the first three operations are equivalent, the last return sites in cloud FR but not only the SCRATCHDISKs but the GROUPDISKs and DATADISKs too, among other types.