Database operations =================== Supported databases ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rucio uses `SQLAlchemy `_ as the object-relational mapper between Python and SQL. Rucio is extensively tested against SQLite, MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and Oracle and should work with them out of the box. The appropriate connection string has to be set in the ``etc/rucio.cfg``, for example: Oracle: ``oracle://rucio:rucio@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost)(PORT=10121))(ENABLE=BROKEN)(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=localhost)))`` MySQL/MariaDB: ``mysql+pymysql://rucio:rucio@localhost/rucio`` PostgreSQL: ``postgresql://rucio:rucio@localhost:6601/rucio`` SQLite: ``sqlite:////tmp/rucio.db`` Please ensure correct UNIX permissions on the SQLite file, such that the web server process can read and write to it. Upgrading and downgrading the database schema ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rucio uses `Alembic `_ as a database migration tool, which works hand-in-hand with `SQLAlchemy `_. Ensure that int ``etc/alembic.ini`` the database connection string is is set to the same database connection string as the ``etc/rucio.cfg`` and issue the following command to verify the changes to the upgrade of the schema: ``alembic upgrade head --sql`` Once satisfied, you can either apply the SQL directly on your database, or have them applied automatically: ``alembic upgrade head`` In case of problems with the release, you can always downgrade back to the previous release: ``alembic downgrade head`` Notabene, schema upgrades are reserved for feature releases and will not happen with patch releases. Creating a new version as a developer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want to create an upgrade path for the schema, you need to generate a schema upgrade+downgrade file: ``alembic revision -m 'schema change message'`` This will output the name of the file that has been generated with two functions ``def upgrade()`` and ``def downgrade()`` that need to be implemented. These should reflect the changes to the ``lib/rucio/db/sqla/`` SQLAlchemy mapping.